- HingeVoter.ai and occam™ can help users better understand the outcome and implications of the 2024 election. HingeVoter.ai is AlphaROC’s proprietary real-time election monitor that focuses on both swing states and key demographic groups within those states. (contact us to learn more about HingeVoter.ai)
- HingeVoter.ai has shown that the race remains much tighter than most polls indicate, with the bump Biden experienced in the immediate aftermath of Trump’s May 30th conviction fading.
- Occam data indicates that approximately two-thirds of Americans intend to watch the debate on June 27th. Heading into the debate, over 40% of independents feel it is too close to call, while 34% believe Trump is the likely winner. Occam will track views both before and after the debate to assess its impact.
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