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Tariffs and Partisanship - Where Americans Expect the Biggest Price Hikes
  • Across all partisan groups, more people anticipate price increases for food and groceries than any other category, should tariffs rise.
  • After food, electronics rank among the most frequently cited goods likely to see higher prices, with solid majorities across partisan lines.
  • In nearly every category—whether food, clothing, or housing—Democrats’ expectations for price increases tend to be higher than Republicans’ or Independents’, suggesting they expect tariffs to ripple through more segments of the economy.
  • In almost all categories, Independents’ expectations for price increases track more closely with Democrats than Republicans, signaling a shared perspective on how tariffs might impact consumer costs.\n
  • Occam’s real-time data reveals how voters feel about current policies. Subscribe today and stay on top of what’s on voters’ minds.

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